Events management for honeymooners, family get-togethers, school & sports groups, religious functions. Conference management for "Chamas"/Business clubs, team building and retreats for staff and board members.
General information about your destination e.g. weather, where to eat, nightlife, how to exchange foreign currencies at best rates, interesting tourism places, affordable home calling-cards etc
Health safety tips e.g.Covid-19 virus,Yellow fever, Polio, S.A.R.S, Bird-flu, Ebola, Zika virus etc Vaccination certificates and precautions to take in case of outbreaks while touring in a particular region.
Visa processing e.g.to Dubai, China, Thailand, Angola, South Africa, Egypt, Cameroon, India, Turkey, Myanmar, Colombia, U.S.A, United Kingdom and Schengen countries. We ensure that your paperwork meets the host country's requirements, pay and where possible, apply on your behalf.
Travel insurance covers with reputable firms e.g.Jubilee Insurance, AIG, UAP, CIC Insurance etc against medical expenses, loss of luggage, flight delays or even unexpected death while abroad.
Follow-up help with crediting of your miles not updated in the statement, redeeming of tickets and mileage programme queries.
Lost baggage tracking (in conjunction with the airlines involved), renewal of expired travel documents and reissue of new ones.
Translation of foreign visas, work-permits, immigration documents,vehicle importation and academic papers (English/French/ Arabic/ Chinese/ Spanish).
Domestic and overseas tours to Maasai Mara,Tsavo,Bird watching at Kakamega rainforest, Mountain gorilla tracking in Rwanda,Seychelles beaches, Disneyland tours in France, Guangzhou trade fairs and Holylands trips to Israel/Portugal-Spain-France.
By partnering with African Salihiya, Salama Cargo and reliable clearing and forwarding agents, we do facilitate your air freight needs from China, U.A.E and Europe.